4 Reasons to Buy Neighboring Lots

You’ve decided you’re going to build instead of buy and now it’s time to decide on land. Picking where to place your home is just as difficult as picking the home itself and in the long run it’s as equally as important. You've finally find the perfect lot and the one next door is also for sale. It might not cross your mind to consider buying them both but here are 4 reasons why you absolutely should:
1. You can choose your own neighbors! If you have friends or family that are ready to build you can sell your additional lot to them. Start your own little community with backyard barbeques and Sunday Super Bowl parties.
2. It gives you options later on. A quarter of an acre might feel like enough right now but if down the road you decide you want to start a garden, build an in-law-suite for your parents or expand your house then you know you’ll have the space. Part of buying land or a home is planning ahead to make sure that it can grow with you as your life and situation changes.
3. No noisy neighbors! Buying neighboring lots means you get a comfortable cushion between you and your neighbors. They’ll be close enough to borrow a cup of sugar from, but not so close that you can hear them snore at night. You don’t have to listen to their dog bark at the mail man, and they don’t have to listen to you running your blender at 6am every morning; it’s a win-win!
4. Keep your view unobstructed. You’ve finally found yourself a view of those green mountains, owning the lot next to it guarantees no one is going to come and build in front of you. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning while looking at the mountains and trees instead of the back of your neighbor’s house.
So, if you’re looking for land to place your home on, keep us in mind. Not only can we make recommendations for the land, we usually have some neighboring lots in our inventory.
Check out lot 78 on Lisa Drive...Lot 77 is also for sale!